Edlynn Trinity Bindler - Blu Archer

About the Blu Archer

Take Me Home...
Train GIFs
About Me

I'm a Pisces


After receiving my Webmaster Certification at Fairleigh Dickinson University in the Fall of 2000, I went on to become the webmaster for a famous rock band and a former cast member of The Sopranos.

I have been in the computer field for over 25 years working with PC's, MAC's, servers and various other pieces of hardware. I have supported every version of Windows, several distributions of Linux and the latest versions of MAC OS.

I have found that my technical side has helped my creative web design side and my creative side has helped my technical side.  You could say I am technically creative or creatively technical!

I am an avid hiker and can be found out on a trail somewhere almost every weekend and participating in a hobby called Letterboxing.  You can find out about Letterboxing at Letterboxing.org or at Atlas Quest. From Letterboxing, I have learned to carve rubbers stamps. My trail name is Phoenix Rizing, CLICK HERE.

My favorite sport is archery, hence the design of this website. CLICK HERE to go to my Archery page.

Quite a few things have changed with me since I originally built this website and it is pretty much way out of date! I am transgender and I am no longer Ed, my new legal name is Edlynn which means Small Noble One and has an English origin.

I work for a Mental Health association in the Hudson Valley in NY as peer support and also teach two free to the public classes on carving linocuts and rubber stamps. When it comes to mental health wellness, hobbies are a great source to stay positive in life. I have quite a few hobbies!!!